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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Tungsten

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> I see that there was very little traffic on this mailing list lately. Is
> anybody using coldsync with a Tungsten? I just bought a T3, and while my
> old Palm V syncs with coldsync perfectly, none of the protocols work with
> the T3.

	Palm changed the HotSync protocol a bit, and adjusted the segments
sent to exceed the 64k size (violating their own developer documentation
that says segments should NEVER exceed 64k in size). I'm not quite sure how
ColdSync handles the DLP buffer size, but this is a fairly simple matter to
fix. We ran into the same thing in pilot-link, and it was a one-line fix.

	Incidentally, your T3 (and the Tungsten E) has a lot of other things
which will not work with ColdSync right out of the box. Here's a short list:

        - Three new applications: Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks
        - Contacts supports 3 addresses, home, business and other
        - More phone fields; including IM with service config info
          (MSN, Yahoo, AOL etc.)
        - A birthday field that shows up in the calendar with a colorful
          birthday cake.
        - 4k note limit raised to 32k
        - Appointments that can span midnight
        - Color coded icons for appointments

	There may be more, but those are the ones I'm aware of now. It's
going to be a bit of work now to try to detect _which_ device is connecting,
and then which of the apps on that device contain changed data.

	Fun fun!


perldoc -qa.j | perl -lpe '($_)=m("(.*)")'

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