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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Reporting conduit errors

On Thursday 18 September 2003 19:14, Andrew Arensburger wrote:

> 	So I suppose the most sensible thing to do would be to collect
> conduits' error messages during Install and Fetch conduits into a
> variable-sized buffer, and upload that buffer to the PDA's log in the
> initial part of the "main" sync.

With the current implementation, is there any strong reason (aside from the 
potential to add non-PDA driven behaviour for fetch conduits) why fetch and 
install conduits couldn't just be implemented as "special" sync conduits 
and directly use dlp_AddSyncLogEntry()? Seems less painful than adding 

In the case of a fetch conduit running from something other than a hotsync 
(i.e. from crond or a web watcher) you'd have to come up with some way to 
persist error messages for when a hotsync was ready. I'd handle all the 
database race conditions before I bothered to look at that particular 

> As for errors during Dump conduits,
> perhaps the only reasonable thing to do is to mail them to the user.

Works for crond and friends. Would also work for non-hotsync fetch. But it 
might not be the desired semantics. A user might be a little ticked when 
they find that their urgent "I'm gonna be 20 minutes late, don't leave 
without me" e-mail (sent via, say, the send-mail dump conduit) didn't 
actually get sent before they grabbed the PDA and headed for the door. 
Okay, "urgent e-mail" is an oxymoron, but you get the point.

> 	Any thoughts?

It's almost like you need to create a new classification scheme to properly 
handle this. Something like connected vs unconnected conduits. sync 
conduits are obviously connected. fetch conduits (currently) run when a PDA 
is connected but don't have the same infrastructure as a sync conduit and 
so are unconnected. Ditto for install.

dump conduits are definitely unconnected. Since that unconnected state is 
fundamentally a performance hack of sorts (for user and battery time), 
there's probably no real reason why some dump conduits couldn't just set a 
flag and hang on to the PDA until they're done.


A connected dump conduit would be essentially a sync conduit that runs after 
all the other sync conduits normally run. A connected fetch is also similar 
in that it just runs before the usual syncs. sync conduits aren't (IMHO) 
any harder to write than a fetch or dump conduit if all you're doing is 
changing an on-disk database. So all this discussion just seems to boil 
down to 1) write sync conduits 2) order them appropriately in the 
configuration file.

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