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Re: Re[2]: [coldsync-hackers] Coldsync compatibility with Palm OS5?

On Tue, 8 Jul 2003 10:13:00 +0400
spied@yandex.ru wrote:

> >> I do not see anywhere that ColdSync is compatible with
> >> Palm OS 5. Are there any plans to allow ColdSync to
> >> work with Palm OS 5 PDA's?
> AZ> I know it works with the Zire 71. It should work with the Tungsten T too...
> i need get snum from palmos5 devices. it's possible?

I forgot to say that, with the latest coldsync, you can read the serial
number of the card in expansion slot in place of the missing one, which
may be useful in some circumstances.


 Best regards,

 Alessandro Zummo,
  Tower Technologies - Turin, Italy

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