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[coldsync-hackers] Ok, what am I doing wrong???

I'm trying to pass two arrays to a function like this:

        # Run the dump function the user specified.
        $DumpFunction{$HEADERS{'Target'}}->(\@NamesArray, \@parsedData );

My function works when I do it this way:

sub textDump
        my ( $names, $data) = @_;
        foreach ( @$data )

But I have no need for $names in this target function, so I'd like to do 
something like this:

sub textDump
        foreach ( @$_ )

This doesn't work as I expected.  My understanding of shift is that it should 
take the first value off the list (in this case \@NamesArray) and return it 
(in this case drop it), leaving the rest of the list.  Shouldn't that leave 
$_ = \@parsedData?  

Have I missed/missunderstood something?


PS: I hope no one minds me asking for perl help on the coldsync list.  I 
could/should sign up for a perlmonk account.  
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