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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Getting users id of the user running sync?

On Tuesday 10 June 2003 19:00, Alex Tronin wrote:
> Coldsync daemon has palm_username value - add it to set of headers in
> conduit.c
> Like this:
>         ++last_header;
>         headers[last_header].name = "Palm_hot_sync_name";
>         headers[last_header].value = (char *)palm_username(palm);

The PDA-Username header already exists (at least in the CVS version).

run_mode_Daemon in runmode.c does a setuid(2), so the effective userid is 
set appropriately for any conduit. This means that $EUID (geteuid(2)) 
should provide the appropriate Unix-side identity?


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