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Re: [coldsync-hackers] POSE and Coldsync

Hey Steven,

I have POSE running pretty well on my windoze box, with coldsync on a
debian woody box, via netsync.

Read the instructions on netsync on coldsync.org

Then for the POSE.  Go into hotsync -> menu->options:
Set modem sync prefs to network
LAN Sync prefs to network
Primary PC - fill out the details of your linux box

On the POSE menu (right click on the POSE under windoze)
go into settings -> properties
set serial to TCP/IP - fill out the deatils of you coldsync box
tick on redirect netlib to calls to host tpc/ip

Then select modem sync
enter 00 as the phone number - this tell the POSE to use the LAN

Thats how i got it to run.



Steven Tu <stu@ics.mq.edu.au>  wrote:

> Hi,
> We were looking into writing some conduits for our Palm Devices to 
> run under Linux and Coldsync seemed a good way to do this. 
> We were just wondering how to get it to work with POSE, since 
> we've been looking for information on this and haven't found very 
> much at all. It's kind of a necessity due to having not many spare 
> Palms sitting around here.
> Thank you
> -- Steve --
fn:Dave Hall
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