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[coldsync-hackers] Treo 300 on FreeBSD

I'm probably asking for pain, but I'm attempting to sync a Treo 300
under FreeBSD via USB. I've tried using the FreeBSD port (2.1.3), the
latest release (2.2.5), the 2.3.1 snapshot, and the CVS version. They
all have the same problem, which I will try to detail below (a big log
of one run is pasted at the end). I've also tried using pilot-link,
but run into problems as well.

First thing I've noticed, which is possibly unrelated -- when the palm
is not trying to sync, /dev/ugen* devices are not configured. I
imagine this is normal. However, when it is trying to sync, ugen0.1
and ugen0.3 are write-only, and ugen0.2 and ugen0.4 are
read-only. Attempting to open these devices read/write or in the
opposite mode gives a Device not configured error. I got the
impression that ugen0.2 had to be read/write, but I'm not sure.

Now to the immediate problem, which refers to the big log at the
bottom. After successfully reading the vendor info, it starts scanning
the connectionInfo for a hotsync entry. It essentially scans until it
runs over the 20 entries (it should probably have a hardcoded stop
here if the array is going to be fixed to 20 entries), into a bunch of
other memory, and eventually faults. I checked the UGETW-decoded
value, and it's different every time (7808, 58368), and clearly
wrong. In addition, none of the connectionInfo entries seem valid --
even the first few. They also change each time, making me think the
data is random.

I tried forcing it to accept the first Hotsync entry it found, but
that crashed my computer (probably since it found some random number,
and did who-knows-what to it). I also tried forcing it to stop before
getting past 20 connections and forcing the endpoint to 2, with these

ioctl(USB_DO_REQUEST) usbRequestVendorGetBytesAvailable failed: Input/output error
first setup 0x1 returns 0 bytes: 
PConnection_usb: unexpected response 8010 to GetBytesAvailable.
Hotsync endpoint name: "/dev/ugen0.2"
pconn_usb_open: Can't open "/dev/ugen0.2".
open: Device not configured
Error: Can't open connection.
Freeing sync_config 0x808b060
ColdSync terminating normally

Since I'm fairly unfamiliar with the internals of coldsync, I thought
I'd ask for suggestions here on how to proceed before I just go
digging in on my own. Thanks for any help/suggestions.



Script started on Tue Aug 13 19:39:41 2002
Allocated sync_config 0x808b060
UID: 0, euid 0
HOME: "/root"
Summary of sync configuration:
	Name: (unnamed)
	Type: 2
	Device: [/dev/ugen0]
	Speed: 0
	Protocol: 3
Known PDAs:
The queue of conduits:
	flavors: 0x0004 SYNC
	  [NCASECMP: strings are compared without regard
        to case, whenever possible.

    Default global configuration file: /usr/local/etc/coldsync.conf
	Mode: Backup
	conf_fname: "/root/.coldsyncrc"
	conf_fname_given: False
	devname: /dev/ugen0
	devtype: 2
	protocol: 3
	force_slow: False
	force_fast: False
	check_ROM: False
	install_first: True
	force_install: False
	autoinit: False
	use_syslog: False
	log_fname: "(null)"

hostid == 0x0a00057a (

Debugging levels:
	SLP:	0
	CMP:	0
	PADP:	0
	DLP:	0
	DLPC:	0
	PDB:	0
	SYNC:	5
	IO:	5
	MISC:	5
Backup directory: "p"
Opening device [/dev/ugen0]
Please press the HotSync button.
/dev/ugen0: Device not configured
/dev/ugen0: Device not configured
/dev/ugen0: Device not configured
/dev/ugen0: Device not configured
/dev/ugen0: Device not configured
/dev/ugen0: Device not configured
/dev/ugen0: Device not configured
Device information: /dev/ugen0 vendor 082d (Handspring, Inc.) product 0100 (Handspring Visor) rev 1.00 addr 3
ConnectionInfo: entry 0 function unknown on port 194
ConnectionInfo: entry 1 function unknown on port 109
ConnectionInfo: entry 2 function unknown on port 194
ConnectionInfo: entry 3 function Generic on port 112
ConnectionInfo: entry 4 function unknown on port 194
ConnectionInfo: entry 5 function unknown on port 132
ConnectionInfo: entry 6 function Generic on port 0
ConnectionInfo: entry 7 function Generic on port 0
ConnectionInfo: entry 8 function Generic on port 0
ConnectionInfo: entry 9 function Generic on port 0
... whole lotta similar entries deleted, with random functions and ports ...
ConnectionInfo: entry 1420 function unknown on port 191
ConnectionInfo: entry 1421 function unknown on port 0
ConnectionInfo: entry 1422 function Generic on port 0

Script done on Tue Aug 13 19:39:48 2002

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