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RE: [coldsync-hackers] Netsync stopping startup sequence

> I noticed something today that I haven't before since I don't
> normally have
> a screen attached to the Linux server
> I had
> /usr/local/bin/coldsync -p . -s -t net -dsync:5 -dmisc:1 -l
> /var/log/coldsync.net -md -
> running from rc.local on startup and it seems that it stops the boot up
> sequence so the machine won't give me a login prompt
> It stops with
> Redirecting stderr to "/var/log/coldsync.net"

Add the character


to the end of that line.


/usr/local/bin/coldsync -p . -s -t net -dsync:5 -dmisc:1 -l
/var/log/coldsync.net -md - &

This will tell coldsync to run in the background and detach control of the


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