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Re: [coldsync-hackers] userid with visor, coldsync

On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, Rich Bowen wrote:
> How does one pick this username and user ID? Should this be the one
> from the PalmOS? Does it have to match the one on the computer? Are
> you saying that I have to create a new user on my desktop? I'm not
> following you. Can you be more explicit.

	ColdSync won't sync unless the "username:" and "userid:" entries
in .coldsyncrc match what's on the Palm.
	If you don't have a "username:"  entry, it defaults to your name
from /etc/passwd. If you don't have a "userid:" entry, it defaults to your
current UID.
	Does this make more sense?

Andrew Arensburger                      Actually, these _do_ represent the
arensb@ooblick.com                      opinions of ooblick.com!
                        Generic Tagline V 6.01

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