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Re: [coldsync-hackers] userid with visor, coldsync

On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, Andrew Arensburger wrote:

> On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, Rich Bowen wrote:
> > I'm setting up coldsync on a new machine, new visor (platinum, if that
> > matters) and I am getting a userID conflict. Coldsync and the Visor
> > think that the id should be 2500-something, while linux has a userID
> > of 1001 for this user. The usernames don't match either. Is it really
> > required that these match? That seems like a rather inconvenient
> > requirement, particularly if you work on 3 different machines, as I
> > do. What's the workaround?
> 	It's deliberately inconvenient, but for a good cause. Before this
> feature was added, it was easy to lose your data if you reset your Palm,
> or upgraded it, or break registered apps that use the user ID or name for
> the registration key.
> 	At any rate, the correct solution is to pick a username and user
> ID, and add those to the pda{} block in your .coldsyncrc, e.g.:
> 	pda "Visor" {
> 	        directory: /homes/arensb/.visor;
> 	        username: "Andrew Arensburger";
> 	        userid: 2072;
> 	}

How does one pick this username and user ID? Should this be the one
from the PalmOS? Does it have to match the one on the computer? Are
you saying that I have to create a new user on my desktop? I'm not
following you. Can you be more explicit.

Rich Bowen - rbowen@rcbowen.com
Have trouble remembering things?

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