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Re: [coldsync-hackers] coldsync install and perl

On Sun, 22 Apr 2001 11:39:56 -0400, Ilya said:

> i dont know whats going on on ur box, but 2.1.0 install on freebsd put the
>  pm file into /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005 , and i dint have to
>  specify anything about perl, it just went there. and i coul duse it right
>  away.

Right, and that's fine if that's where you have Perl installed. But on some
machines, Perl modules get put in /usr/lib/ and on some they get put in
/usr/local/lib, and on some they even end up in /opt/something or perhaps in
/home/rbowen/lib if I have my own personal build of Perl. That's sort of my
point. ColdSync should not be tinkering with where Perl modules go. It should
ask Perl where Perl modules go, and based on Config.pm, it should put modules
wherever Perl tells it to, not some hard-coded place. I like to have Perl in
/usr/ rather than in /usr/local/  This is just a preference of mine. Solaris
people like it in /opt. They are weird that way. And on Windows, it's going to
be in c:\Perl, and attempting to put the modules in /usr/local/lib is going to
get a blank stare from the operating system.

Rich Bowen - rbowen@rcbowen.com
Director of Application Development - The Creative Group

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