Hi Andrew,
I would like to see the following HEADER generated by coldsync
to conduits:
and if possible
Password: palm_password
and if possible to follow:
PalmUserID: palm_user_id
and to finish:
reason for all those requests is simple - I am making a set of
conduits, and all conduits are the same for all users, but they need to know
which exactly user it is and be able to verify password.
I know coldsync can do it, I modified it and was able to
generate UserName with no problem.
Can it be incorporated into mainstream development
My conduit file looks like this, and I want to run those
conduits for each user - they need Palm username
listen net {
} conduit dump {
path: "/home/alex/conduits/address"; type: addr/DATA; arguments: File: /home/alex/test/address; } conduit dump { path: "/home/alex/conduits/memo"; type: memo/DATA; arguments: File: /home/alex/test/memo; } conduit dump { path: "/home/alex/conduits/todo"; type: todo/DATA; arguments: File: /home/alex/conduits/todo; } |