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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Snapshot: Happier Linux

On Sat, Mar 31, 2001 at 09:27:49PM -0500, JD Smith wrote:
> Aha!  All those flakey linux serial sync speed issues have
> dissappeared.  I can now sync at 115200 (explicitly set in .coldsyncrc)
> without a problem.  Not sure how it was working before at all if the
> Palm was trying to talk at 9600.

	I suspect it has something to do with deep magic in the
kernel, possibly a combination of odd and good behaviors that
conspired to make things work.

> I did run across a strange seg-fault though. I haven't been able to
> replicate it, but here's the snippet of the sync:4 debugging I happened
> to have one:
> ### Cleaning up database.
> ### Database is open. Not resetting sync flags.
> Running sync conduits for "".
> Trying conduit [generic]...
>   This conduit matches. Running "[generic]"
>   This is a default conduit. Remembering for later.
> Trying conduit /home/jdsmith/palm/conduits/memo-tidbits...
> Trying conduit /home/jdsmith/palm/conduits/showtimes...
> Running default conduit
> "" is not a ROM database, or else I'm not ignoring it.
> Error: GenericConduit::FirstSync: Can't open "": 4.
> Segmentation fault

	I don't suppose you still have the core file, do you? A stack
trace could be useful.
	Just a random thought: are there any odd files in
~/.palm/backup/Attic ? It's conceivable that you somehow picked up a
weird file that got interpreted as a .pdb file.

> I think the key here might be "Database is open", which I haven't seen
> on anything else, and I'm not sure why it was called here, and how not
> resetting the sync flags could contribute to a null database listing. 
> I'll keep my eyes open.

	Actually, the "Database is open" message is from the previous
database. The empty database name is a separate problem.

> One caveat:  there was at least one conduit run which used an old
> version of Coldsync.pm, but the only difference was a very minor one in
> testing the %HEADERS for definedness/existence.

	That shouldn't matter (I know, I know: famous last words). An
external conduit, no matter how ill-behaved, shouldn't be able to
crash ColdSync. (Which is why conduits are external programs, rather
than dynamically-loaded libraries, as I had originally intended.)

Andrew Arensburger                      This message *does* represent the
arensb@ooblick.com                      views of ooblick.com
    My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.

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