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[coldsync-hackers] Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 22:28:33 -0600

Re: visor platinum problems w/ USB on FreeBSD-4.2[-RELEASE/-Stable]

Some other details that might help: 
 this is how I finally got coldsync to do a backup:

# vi /etc/usbd.conf
[added this at the bottom -- modified from the 2.00 snapshot announce mail
sent by andrew]
device "Handspring Visor"
        devname "ugen0"
        vendor 0x082d           
        product 0x0100          
        release 0x0100
        attach "/usr/local/bin/coldsync -t usb -p /dev/ugen0 -mb

# killall usbd
# usbd

<hit the hotsync button> 
<watched as all pdb's got backed up for the first time :) >

this also works with earlier versions of coldsync (just change "-mb" to "-b"
for coldsync-1.4.6) 

more to come....


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