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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Regression testing / scripting POSE

At 14:05 28/02/2001 -0500, you wrote:
> > I was also wondering if anyone can recommend a reference for the HotSync
> > protocol (DLP and below).
>         RTFS :-( The comments in include/pconn/<protocol>.h might prove
>enlightening. There should also be a fair amount of documentation at
>www.palmos.com, though I don't have a reference close at hand right now.

Yip, have done, but this and all the other documentation I can find out 
there is missing a few key parts.  I've been unable to find _any_ 
documentation on PADP or DLP on the Palm site.  They do describe SLP, but 
under a different name.

Both pilot-link and coldsync handle last fragment loss 
differently.  pilot-link will stop transmitting the current packet even if 
it is half way through if it gets a unexpected data packet.  coldsync will 
ack and drop the incoming data fragment, then begin retransmitting its 
packet from the start with a new XID.

Both use the same XID for all fragments in a packet.  Interestingly enough, 
a real Palm handles the XID changing for each fragment fine.

Well, this seems close enough for now.  Thanks.

-- Michael

> > This is what I currently understand:
>         Hurm. Unfortunately, I don't remember the details of the protocol
>anymore (it's been a while). For what it's worth, libpconn represents my
>best effort at implementing the DLP, CMP, PADP, and SLP protocols. And
>yes, I've read Flynn's articles.
>         I may be able to answer your questions after I've had a chance to
>review the code. Or maybe not.
>         Also, the XID is a bit confusing in that it's really a PADP
>attribute, even though it's stored in the SLP header. Sort of as if the
>TCP sequence number were stored in the IP header, if that helps.

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