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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Regression testing / scripting POSE

On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Michael Hope wrote:
> I dont know if this has been discussed, but I thought you might be 
> interested in the scripting capabilities of POSE for testing coldsync.  I 
> only recently came across this, and have found no reference to it on the 
> net, but there are a set of libraries in the Scripting/ directory of the 
> latest POSE that let you run arbitrary commands via RPC, including enough 
> support to start a serial sync or a network sync.

	Sorta-kinda. Regression-testing would be an excellent thing to
have. The main hangup so far has been that I use XCopilot (I played with
POSE for about 15 minutes and couldn't quite get it to work), but it
doesn't appear to be possible to run HotSync from a script.
	If you could play around with POSE and come up with a way to do
this with automatically, that'd be welcome.

> I was also wondering if anyone can recommend a reference for the HotSync 
> protocol (DLP and below).

	RTFS :-( The comments in include/pconn/<protocol>.h might prove
enlightening. There should also be a fair amount of documentation at
www.palmos.com, though I don't have a reference close at hand right now.

> This is what I currently understand:

	Hurm. Unfortunately, I don't remember the details of the protocol
anymore (it's been a while). For what it's worth, libpconn represents my
best effort at implementing the DLP, CMP, PADP, and SLP protocols. And
yes, I've read Flynn's articles.
	I may be able to answer your questions after I've had a chance to
review the code. Or maybe not.

	Also, the XID is a bit confusing in that it's really a PADP
attribute, even though it's stored in the SLP header. Sort of as if the
TCP sequence number were stored in the IP header, if that helps.

Andrew Arensburger                      Actually, these _do_ represent the
arensb@ooblick.com                      opinions of ooblick.com!
                        Generic Tagline V 6.01

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