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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Installing newer database from .palm/install

Hi ,

I am quite new in Palm development and maybe someone could help me
find out what I want ... if it exists ! I doubt ...
I am trying to find a way to deal with a weird combination PERL-Palm-Windows
Coldsync and p5-Palm looks to be a great tool but from what I got Coldsync
does not
integrate a feature that would make a sync between my Palm and my PC-Windows
possible via to Active Perl.
Or am I just being stupid ?

If someone knows how to program in PERL on Windows to access the Datebook on
my Palm,
let me know!

Vincent Jouenne
430 C Harding Avenue
(540) 200-1757

Homepage "Frenchship"
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mikael Hedin" <mikael.hedin@irf.se>
To: <coldsync-hackers@lusars.net>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: [coldsync-hackers] Installing newer database from .palm/install

> On second thought (when playing with an implementation), it seems
> complicated to make a generic decision for when to overwrite based on
> mtime/ctime.  Simplest to stick with the modnum only.  Or maybe:
> if (newfile->mtime laterthan oldfile->mtime) ||
>      ((newfile->mtime == oldfile->mtime) && (newfile->modnum >
> {install newfile}
> or should it be the ctimes that are compared?
> BTW, is there a function to compare struct dlp_time and udword?  (For
> the laterthan operator).
> /Micce
> --
> Mikael Hedin, MSc                   +46 (0)980 79176
> Swedish Institute of Space Physics  +46 (0)8 344979 (home)
> Box 812, S-981 28 KIRUNA, Sweden    +46 (0)70 5891533 (mobile)
> [gpg key fingerprint = 387F A8DB DC2A 50E3 FE26  30C4 5793 29D3 C01B 2A22]
> --
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