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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Snapshot: 2.0.0

On Wed, Feb 21, 2001 at 06:40:25PM -0500, JD Smith wrote:
> Looks pretty neat Andrew.  I'm looking forward to trying the daemon mode
> (maybe a little HOWTO collecting people's experiences would be in
> order).  

	Definitely. In particular, if someone manages to figure out
how to set this up under Solaris, that'd be great.

> Still doesn't fix the ACK Timeout problem or allow the highest serial
> speed for me... sigh.  Could we just reinstate the serial code from the
> last version that worked well (circa 1.5.x)?  Are others having this
> problem?

	For what it's worth, I tried ColdSync 2.0.0 yesterday under
Linux (Redhat 6.2 with Linux 2.4.1) and a Palm III on /dev/ttyS0. I
wasn't able to sync at all at 57600 bps: packets would go out, but
nothing would come in.
	At 38400 bps, things worked. There were a number of "Bad CRC"
messages, but all in all, I was able to sync. So I really don't know
what the problem might be. I've read Stevens until I got blue in the
face, and this problem only crops up under Linux, as far as I've
heard. So I don't know what to do about it.

> On an unrelated note, someone once asked here about setting the Palm
> Time from your system's time.  I implemented this.  Attached is a diff
> to Coldsync::SPC, which implements dlp_{Set,Get}SysDateTime.

	Cool! Thanks!

> I also
> made a sync conduit which calls these functions.  I did not include it,
> for the following reasons:
> 1.  There's no convenient way to run a conduit which is not associated
> with a given database.  I ended up kludging it to run with the Datebook
> database, with all the overhead of reading the AppInfoBlock, etc.  It
> would be nice if you could run any given conduit always, without
> specifically finding it on a given database's list.  

	Yeah. Any suggestions on how to do this? How about

	conduit sync {
		type: none;
		path: /usr/local/bin/settime;

In the meantime, yeah, you can always specify some other database. If
you specify one that already has an associated conduit, you should be
able to avoid the overhead of re-fetching the AppInfo block etc.

Andrew Arensburger                      This message *does* represent the
arensb@ooblick.com                      views of ooblick.com
	   If we're not supposed to eat late-night snacks,
	      why is there a light in the refrigerator?

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