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Re: gnubol: which list, and cobol.el

When last we left our heros, they were speaking of:
> Which is the official list nowadays? :)  Good to have a home.  I've had
> a temporary position change at work (going to do 2nd tier support for a
> while--blech!), so I think I'll have a little more time to devote to
> coding. 

	Cobol for GCC <cobolforgcc@lists.sourceforge.net> is pretty much 
the official list these days.  I'm keeping this list up, but plan on updating
the web pages, etc, to point to Tim's project for everything official in the
near future. 

    Justin Ferguson - Geek of All Trades - Technical Solutions Consultant
http://www.thedotin.net/jferg   <jferg@lusars.net> <JFerg at The Dot in .Net>
                     A hollow voice says, "Plugh".

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