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Re: R:gnubol: Record delimiter clause and parse order

"William M. Klein" wrote:

> Just so it is clear, there is NOTHING ambiguous about being able to do
> REWRITEs on Sequential (access as well as organization) files in the '85 *or*
> draft file - if they are opened I-O.  This is required by the Standard.
> HOWEVER, as "line sequential" files are NOT part of the Standard, it doesn't
> address what you may or may not do for that type of file.  GENERALLY, you
> want the rules to be as close to RECORD SEQUENTIAL as possible (IMHO).

Well, in case you want to consider the equivalences between these two forms of
sequential files with variable record lengths you might also want to consider
the behavior of some existing run-time systems as described below.

The "line sequential" files were unknown on the mainframes, at least for me. In
case of sequential files with variable record length and the "RECORD IS VARYING
IN SIZE DEPENDING ON" clause the record could only be rewritten if the contents
of the record length field at the time of the rewrite was equal to the contents
of that same field after the read.


Fred Mobach

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