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Re: [Fwd: gnubol: Record delimiter clause and parse order]

MFT/MVT/OS/360/MVS/OS/390 spanned and undefined are a file record
format but to Cobol they are just sequential files. I am not
aware of any need for padding in Cobol, except for read into
where the receiving data item is space filled just like in any

Tim Josling

Ralph Jones wrote:
> Is spanned, still a file type?  Back in the bad old days, COBOL 74 on 370's you had to use spanned as a sequential file type if a record was larger than 32K.
> For variable length records, does the spec. call for full word padding?  I'm trying to recall, from my mainframe days, and I believe the records were not padded?...
> Do you still have the record type 'undefined'?  This was usually used with tape files. The I-O routines delivered a block of data into buffer up to the defined size of the buffer.  I do
> not remember what happened when a block was longer than record size.
> Cheers,
> Ralph Jones

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