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Re: gnubol: Record delimiter clause and parse order

Matthew Vanecek wrote:

> GNUCobol@ZName.com wrote:
> <<big snip>>
> I like the default delimiter idea, myself.  Makes life much easier.
> I've a bunch of sequential files here, but unfortunately I ftp'ed them
> down, which conveniently converts text files to the local format.
> Still, since they all came from the mainframe, and since they are all
> currently delimited by a "\n", I think it's safe to say that we can use
> "\n" as a delimiter, or maybe "\n" on *nix, and "\r\n" on systems that
> use "\r\n".

I am very sorry but would like to disturb your save feeling. All you have said is
true for disc files but you forgot that tape files can use the older format with
the block- and recordlength fields.

For me it doesn't matter how you would distinguish between these two formats but
it matters really if you don't support both of them.


Fred Mobach

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