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Re: gnubol: gcc compile error w/COBOL

Tim Josling wrote:
> Matthew,
> When building the compiler I follow the following procedure:
> 0. I am running Red Hat linux 6.1 very standard
> 1. Create the objdir and install directories. Then from objdir...
> 2. configure --enable-languages=c,toy,exa,cobol
> --prefix=/home/tim/egcs_snaps/cob-egcs/install --disable-cpplib
> 3. nice make bootstrap LANGUAGES=c
> (the above is because things don't work very well until the c
> compiler is built and building the other things - three times -
> is a waste of time at this stage)
> 4. nice make install LANGUAGES="c cobol exe toy"
> (This builds the cobol etc once. You may need to install autogen
> from the cygnus site for this step, probably not)
> 5. "Set the path to include the install/bin directory"
> 6. run the tests from the objdir/gcc directory
> make check-toy
> make check-exa
> make check-cobol
> (requires various programs like 'expect' and tcl to be installed)
> ...
> The make process is quite flakey IMO so I follow these steps
> religiously.
> It looks from your error message that it is not finding the (I
> think) GCC intrinsic ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED which suppresses the unused
> error message for that parameter. Maybe your GCC is a little old.
> If this is a problem we can put in a conditional #define for it
> as follows:
> #ifdef ???something???
> #define ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED /* nothing */
> #endif

At line 1506 in cobpre.c, ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED is included in the function
definition for some reason.  Didn't think it was supposed to be there,
as it's not in the prototype.  Build goes along pretty well without
that, until it reaches a point of looking for install-sh or install.sh. 
Thought I had autogen installed--I'll double check.

I've got a more-or-less RedHat system as well.  gcc is 2.95.2.  Think I
need autogen to finish the build, though...I'll double check that and
try again after work tonight

Matthew Vanecek
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