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RE: gnubol: [ludovic.crapet@enst-bretagne.fr: Questions about GNU Cobol]

1/ How old are you ?

2/ What is your current job ?
Senior Technical Specialist

3/ What was your job when you started the project ?
Senior Technical Specialist

4/ What are your relationships with free software ?
 [X] You use free software. Which one ? GNU C/Linux
 [ ] You work in a firm which uses, creates, circulates free software.
Which one ? .........
 [ ] Others........................

5/ Why did you decide to take part in the project ?
 [ ] Fun.
 [ ] Money.
 [ ] To have more programming experience.
 [ ] Fame.
 [X] Others Contribute to the knowledge base of Programmers

6/ Does your work have a link with the project ? If yes, which ?

7/ What is exactly your role in the project ?

8/ Have you ever contributed to another project using free software ?
What is its name ? Could you describe it briefly ?

9/ In your opinion what have you got out of this project ?
 [ ] Programming experience.
 [ ] Marketing experience.
 [ ] Money.
 [ ] Knowledge.
 [X] Others Satisfaction

10/ Do you think you will go on working on this project or on another
one (which one ?) ?

11/ Do you serve as a go-between with other firms or associations
related to free software ? Which one ?

Now, we would like to know more about the project itself.

12/ How did the project start ? What were the motivations of the
creators ? If you are not the creator, why did you decide to lead this
project now ?
Spontaneous Project

13/ How many different people have contributed to the project ?

14/ What are their jobs ? In which proportion are they ?
 [X] Students ...............%
 [X] Professional programmers ...........%
 [ ] Marketing ............%
            [ ] Others ...........................................

15/ Finally, how has the project evolved since its start ? Did you have
to face many difficulties ? Has any firm or association been created
thanks to this project ?

16/ Do you see something to add to your answers ?
Many commercial products are prohibitively expensive for students and
experimenters to get access to.  This project is an attempt to address this
lack of access.

 We thank you for taking the time to answer these questions which has
helped us to make our research clearer and more precise.

Best regards.

Sylvain CHEVET
Ludovic CRAPET

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