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gnubol: STD - The J4 meeting in Newbury England is "set"

  The J4 meeting for this upcoming May in Newbury, England is now "set".  If
you are interested in attending, visiting, or "otherwise,"  I suggest that
you view the meeting notice at:


This meeting (or these two halves of a single meeting - separated by a
break) are VERY DEFINITELY "open" and anyone who wants to, can attend as much
(or as little) as they wish.  There is, however, a request that you contact
the host or J4 chair in advance if you plan on attending some of the meeting.

The WG4 meeting (which comes in the middle of the J4 meeting) is *not* open
to the public.  Please contact your "national body" if you are interested in
attending that meeting.  It is my expectation that the WG4 meeting will make
"final" decisions on forwarding the draft Standard to a  public review
(following the ISO rules for such) - and *may* make any other "final fine
tuning" decisions (such as whether to "resurrect" FINALIZER - or change the
"processor dependent" definition or almost anything else) BUT these topics
will ONLY be discussed if some national body brings them up for discussion.
If there is some topic that you think should be discussed, then I suggest you
contact your national body to see what their position is on it (if any) and
what procedures (if any) they have for getting your topic submitted to WG4
for discussion.

Please feel free to email me privately if you have any questions on how to
contact your own national body. (use the email address below and do NOT reply
to this note - as I have a "spam protector" id)

Bill Klein
    wmklein <at> ix dot netcom dot com

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