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AW: gnubol: STD - What do you think *should* happen

Hello Bill,

first I testet the coding on "IBM COBOL for MVS & VM   1.2.2" and I send you
the result. 

And second the answer on your question, what do I think, what SHOULD happen.
My oppinion is, that a picture-clause should not influence the real value of
a data. (I know, that is not congruent with the way, the cobol-move works
now, but you asked for what we think.) For example, when you format a
numeric data item in Excel, you can assign a "picture-clause" independently
from the internally stored valus. That's the way, I would prefere for the
cobol-move too.

	An example from Excel:
	Value	Picture 1	Picture 2
	10000	10000,00	10.000

The consequence of this behavier I show on the source:
01 group1.
  05 alpha-edit1    pic x/xx.	// should only be 3 physical bytes

01 group2.
  05 alpha-edit2    pic xx/x.	// should only be 3 physical bytes

01 elem3x           pic xxx.

move "ABC" to group1
move alpha-edit1 to group2
move alpha-edit2 to elem3x

display alpha-edit1		//  "A/BC"
display alpha-edit2		//  "AB/C"
display elem3x			//  "ABC"

The edit-step should be decoupled from the move. 
The compiler should handle the edit-description form the picture-clause like
it handles the virtual comma.
So, any move from any group or elementary item move 3 physical bytes. 
So there is no loss of data.

For my example above, the COBOL for MVS & VM gives the following result:
ELEM3X      = ABC  

So far my opinion,
many regards


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von:	William M. Klein [SMTP:wmklein@ix.netcom.com]
> Gesendet am:	Samstag, 29. Januar 2000 17:04
> An:	gnu
> Betreff:	gnubol: STD - What do you think *should* happen
> During the recent J4 meeting, I accepted an assignment to write a paper to
> "fix" some of the  wording on what exactly the PICTURE clause symbols
> really
> do (mean?).  I plan on creating a test-case that various people can run
> with
> the ('74 or '85) compiler of your choice, but my question is what do you
> think SHOULD happen (today - not with a future Standard) with the
> following
> type of source code:
> 01 GROUP1.
>      05 ALPHA-EDIT   PIC X/X.
> 01 ELEM1                  PIC XX.
>      ...
>    ****
>  The question is what the 2nd move "should" do.  I can think of (at least)
> 3
> possibilities:
> 1) The data "AB" stored in the first two bytes of ALPHA-EDIT will be moved
> to
> 2) The data "A" stored in the first byte of ALPHA-EDIT will be move to the
> first byte of ELEM1 - and the character "/" (which is what the picture
> is in the 2nd byte) will be moved to the 2nd byte of ELEM1
> 3) The program will ABEND or have other "unpredictable" results because
> the
> data in ELEM1 does not "match" what the PICTURE clause says *should* be in
> that 2nd byte.
>   ***
> OK, folks - what do you think should happen?  (Any comments on what
> various
> compilers do - both when running in their "ANSI-conforming" modes and in
> any
> "full optimization" mode - will be gratefully accepted.)
> --
> Bill Klein
>     wmklein <at> ix dot netcom dot com
> --
> This message was sent through the gnu-cobol mailing list.  To remove
> yourself
> from this mailing list, send a message to majordomo@lusars.net with the
> words "unsubscribe gnu-cobol" in the message body.  For more information
> on
> the GNU COBOL project, send mail to gnu-cobol-owner@lusars.net.
****** ***************************** Top of Data **********
000001        IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.                     
000002        PROGRAM-ID. ALPHEDIT.                        
000003        DATA DIVISION.                               
000004        WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.                     
000005        01 GROUP1.                                   
000006             05 ALPHA-EDIT     PIC X/X.              
000007        01 ELEM1               PIC XX.               
000009        PROCEDURE DIVISION.                          
000010            MOVE "ABC" TO GROUP1                     
000011            MOVE ALPHA-EDIT TO ELEM1                 
000012            DISPLAY "1, ALPHA-EDIT = " ALPHA-EDIT    
000013            DISPLAY "1, ELEM1        " ELEM1         
000015            MOVE "ABC" TO ALPHA-EDIT                 
000016            MOVE ALPHA-EDIT TO ELEM1                 
000017            DISPLAY "2, ALPHA-EDIT = " ALPHA-EDIT    
000018            DISPLAY "2, ELEM1        " ELEM1         
000020            GOBACK                                   
000021            .                                        
****** **************************** Bottom of Data ********

Result (for CMPR2 and NOCMPR2):
1, ELEM1        AB     
2, ALPHA-EDIT = A/B    
2, ELEM1        A/     