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Re: gnubol: The many different types of numbering systems used in Cobol.

> >
> > All of those are Micro Focus features.  I don't think ANY of them
> > should be a high priority for the GNU project, but are certainly
> > things that could be considered for a future enhancement. (First,
> > you get current Standard support in, then you worry about extensions.)
> >
> > Bill Klein
> >   wmklein <at> ix.netcom.com

I totally agree Bill.
You have to start somewhere.

I just hope the platform we start with will have the design which allows such
modifications without
a massive re-write.

They are just things to think about and keep in mind for the future.

I gather the basic package will be animatable?   Debug run, ect...

I enjoy the GNU C debug feature when I'm using it with XWPE.

I'm just all excited about this project.  When do we think phase 2 will


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