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RE: gnubol: problem 2.

I wish I really understood this "stuff" - but does

> /*
>   in this rule specific, explicated continuations
>   provide a basis for disambiguation; the natural tendency
>   would be to reference sub rules that have optional /* empty */
>   alternates. That is the key: epsilons would compete in the 'continue'
>   position, leading to r/r or s/r
> */
> ref_data :
>    ref_data_simple_or_qual
>    { /* simple */ ;}
>  | ref_data_simple_or_qual PAR_OPEN ref_data PAR_CLOSE
>    { /* subscripted */ ;}
>  | ref_data_simple_or_qual PAR_OPEN ref_data COLON ref_data PAR_CLOSE
>    { /* fully ref modified     */ ;}
>  | ref_data_simple_or_qual PAR_OPEN ref_data COLON PAR_CLOSE
>    { /* partially ref modified */ ;}
> ;
   ... etc

Handle reference modification using arithmetic expression, e.g.

    data-name (data-name2 + 2:) *> reference modification
    data-name (data-name2 +2) *> two subscripts
    data-name (index-name + 2) * relative indexing

it may be in those rules, but I didn't see it there (in a form that I could
pick up)

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