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RE: gnubol: How are grammars progressing

> -----Original Message-----
 <much snippage>
> Does that also include   read next | read previous
>                     with lock | ignore lock ?
> Regards
> Fred Neale

Read previous, with lock, ignore lock are all extensions to the current
ANSI/ISO Standard (which do appear in the draft of the next Standard).  Has
there been discussion on whether these are extensions that you are thinking
about including?  Adding the "full" record-locking/file-sharing from the
draft Standard is a "reasonably large chunk" to add, but is something that
many (most?) UNIX COBOLs do already have (as extensions - and not completely

READ PREVIOUS is totally dependent upon which indexed file system you are
using.  Has this been talked about yet?  (Many systems use their OWN -
"proprietary" systems as there is no truly universally portable one.)

Bill Klein
  wmklein <at> ix.netcom.com

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