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Re: gnubol: IBM flags nested conditionals as error (RC=8) but recovers OK

>>>>> "Bill" == William M Klein <wmklein@ix.netcom.com>
>>>>> wrote the following on Mon, 6 Dec 1999 07:56:52 -0600

  Bill> Oh boy, PLEASE don't try and match what IBM does for E-level
  Bill> errors.  The following is what IBM says about E-level
  Bill> compiler errors,

  Bill> "An error-level message indicates a condition that is
  Bill> definitely an error.  The compiler has attempted to correct
  Bill> the error but the results of program execution might not be
  Bill> what you expect.  You should correct the error."

  Bill> See:

  Bill> http://www.s390.ibm.com/bookmgr-cgi/bookmgr.cmd/BOOKS/IGYPG204/2%2e1%2e
  Bill> 2e2

  Bill> If you start trying to match their "error recovery" for
  Bill> E-level messages, you are going to find life VERY difficult.

Adopting this policy on certain conditional statements does not
commit us to match all of IBM's error recovery.  

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