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Re: gnubol: refmod again (fwd)

Michael McKernan wrote:

> Sure, the whole world and I have been lexing them out for years, but
> if we don't have commas, we need something else and I hadn't heard
> what it is.

When the previous expression runs out of steam, the new expression must start.

Very flaky isn't it. What about if the person says:
x=function average(a +1 b) << three terms
having meant to code:
average(a + 1 b) << two terms

You have no way of knowing. By the way this problem exists now, in function call
arguments. In Standard COBOL 4 draft it also exists in array references.

> OK, that helps.  It still leaves the context sensitivity trying to
> distinguish subscripted ref's and separate expressions, though.  I
> would have hoped that could be done syntactically.
> And, of course, I remain annoyed if I can't
> distinguish a subscript from an expression without interrogating the
> symbol table.

Not pretty but there it is.

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