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Re: gnubol: Re: which parser tool


The problem with shuffling the tokens around, as with renaming tokens and adding
extra fake tokens (eg to delimit statements) is that it messes up the error
messages. You can do this better IMHO by changing the token types.

I think this will confuse the programmer. I have found three areas of problems

- changing token names to tell the parser what's coming (eg end-if); or to give
it symbol table information
- adding token names to delimit constructs to help to construct error productions

- resequencing tokens to support LALR(1) parsers.

You can hack around to get past the renaming fairly easy. In my test parser I use
this technique


The original token name was


The new name is


So it's a bit like a sed s/a/b/ statement. I an scan for this in the error
messages and fix them up to meaningful values including removing tk_.


syntax error: expecting with or like, got condition_name

Tim Josling

RKRayhawk@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 11/21/99 12:36:50 PM EST, TIMJOSLING@prodigy.net writes:
> <<
>  1. section names require 2 token lookahead. Easy fix via prescan.
>      a section.
>      a section.
>      a.
> >>
> A really neat hack would be an intercept that reverses section-name and the
> SECTION token. That could help immensely with dangling preceeding statements.

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