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Re: gnubol: subsets

In a message dated 11/17/99 9:22:59 PM EST, mck@tivoli.mv.com 
in reference to semantics writes:

<<   It updates the symbols for all of these things.

That is an intereting specific issue.  Could we consider as a first approach 
that semantics is not permitted to update SYMT?

This question has two big parts and then some scatterings. Basically if we 
say that the SYMT must be complete for the data division we definitely put 
some work in  sytax, just to be a sounding board my sound is I do not think 
that is a bad idea.  But another approach to that is to clarify what we mean 
by the possibility of multiple intermediates.

I think the notion that we _could_ be through with the SYMT for the procedure 
division declared things by the end of syntax may be more defensible. In know 
that advanced concepts of optimization might lead to an interest in tagging 
segments of code in certain ways. And I am not saying that SYMT is 
inaccessible, but as a design concept for starters what are the implications 
if we say that any update to procedure entries in the SYMT must get done in 

Again my general concept is that validation and data typing are outfront. 
That certainly grows the work for data div in syntax. 

We must allow for the concept that perhaps we will want to see a procedure 
reference as a statement that types a particular procedure (you know like a 
SORT INPUT/OUTPUT procedure); which is not declared in the section or 
paragraph itself.  But initially I don'ts see that.  The most urgent issue of 
a pargraph is its entry and exit. And that needs generalized solution, and 
bullet-proofing for performed or performed terminus, and for a little 
thing called initial state.  My other posts have indicated that I would be 
infavor of detailed distinctions on procedure types but we need some of that 
before syntax, and certainly know a lot during syntax.  This must stay open 
as we work our way all the way through forward reference in the procedure 

Best Wishes
Bob Rayhawk

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