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Re: gnubol: STODGY and GNUVEAU compile
Of course we do get ahead of ourselves when we discuss or code for
extensions. But the open source phenomenon brings out creative energies that
are valuable because of the ideas
created AND because any one who works on it usually does other work that fits
in the mainline. Sometimes, not always, but sometimes if you quash the
creative endeavor you loose the other part, the mainline part where they fix
some other thing to squeeze their idea in.
I think that creativity is also important because the standards committees
can't do it and it is needed, especially to get the business applications to
the net. So I hope that we can evolve a
way to capture it, but still allow for a compiler that is straight laced as a
Many innovations are relevant. A CLARK-POINTER is definitely a useful idea.
I hate to use
reference modification for string scans. I find that REDEFINES defeats the
cross reference tool (and that counts big time when I am under pressure), and
it reduces auditability of code. And STRING and UNSTRING, ... unfortunately
the real data just does not want to cooperate with the plans of mice and men,
the delimitters are just not there (and STRING and UNSTRING do not have
ELSE/OTHER phrases). So you have to take the matter into your own hands
often. And it would sure be nice to reference the dataname itself and not
have to have convoluted syntax.
I think that a CLARK-POINTER would be great. It would be superb if an
expression like
data-name(some-clark-pointer) syntactically clarified that I was refering to
a byte, just because of the type of the pointer. I would exit the 1950s at
long last. Of course I could then point out that if I had draped the
data-name with the attibute 16-bit-data (such as with a DBCS token of some
kind, like the G in picture clause over there in the real world, or perhaps
yet another new world token to be invented to designate the thing as
CLARK-DATA-16), I naturally expect the parser coder to understand that I am
referencing the ith 16-bit element. As long as you have type information
percolating up in the parser it is a piece of cake.
I'd like to protect every one who hates it as a
dangerous invasion on their data division. So I like the idea of a CLARK-DATA
attribute to narrow the domain of such new world mechanisms.
And I wanted to engage the original proponent of the various SET syntaxes
both technically and in a manner that illustrates the need to isolate
experimental syntax. The stuff is good. Isolation is a project management
concept and a technicians challenge. How do we do it?
Folks who step forth with creative ideas have energy. I, for one, want to
channel that energy.
If there are those who would like to find ways to isolate experimental
features while manitaining respectful interactions with innovative
contributors, I suggest we use the CLARK tokens in the examples.
By the way someone was kind enough to point out the POINTER redefine hack as
a way of adding one to a pointer (you add 1 to the redefine name). One thing
I think that would be a very very very super very good extension to COBOL is
to trap any redefinition of a pointer; and optionally, parametrically, error
it out. In a sense a POINTER redefined is a clear signal
that the coder intends to violate standard syntax rules. If the standard is
silent or actually says you can't stop them, then you can't. But I can
imagine financial environemts in which it might be reasonable to flag or
error out any such encodings.
But we get ahead of ourselves.
Best Wishes,
Bob Rayhawk
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