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Re: gnubol: Re: gnubol tools

Very valid thinking IMHO. Objective C, Fortran C++ and C are all
debuggable in GDB in their own terms. Most of them have emacs
modes for color highlighted editing. This requires carrying the
line numbers through to the symbol table and support for new data

We need to get the compiler to the point where we have a sound
basis for people to contribute in parallel. In my view this means
something that takes a valid input and generates an executable.
Once we have this I think work can speed up enormously.

By the way I will be in the USA (Lansing MI) from 12 Nov - 11 Dec
for work, so my email may be a little erratic. 

Tim Josling

Fred Neale wrote:
> I feel quite strongly that, at this point in its development cycle, the compiler
> should be structured to allow easy addition of these tools at a later time. I
> should also add that I'm not the poor sod who is writing the compiler. I don't
> even envy him, but if I can help in any way.....
> Regards

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