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gnubol: Anyone actually working on Cobol

I've been following this thread off and on for over two years now.  Over
this time, I still can't get a clear picture of what it is this group is
trying to do.  Is the purpose to:

1) Argue about semantic discrepancies in the Cobol standard(s)
2) Test lexers and parsers
3) Develop a tool to pervert Cobol source into 'C' source
4) Develop a tool to rewrite Cobol as 'C' then translate it to Java
5) Develop a Cobol compiler

While I probably missed it, I have not seen a single executable created as a
result of any of the lexers or parsers that started out as Cobol source

Granted, it has been an interesting discussion on programming theory and
philosophy.  However, it does not seem to have been able to come up with any

Cobol is simply an i/o and memory management tool.  It's about time to
deliver a release 1.0 that complies with some early version of Cobol.  How
about just implementing Cobol 73 with whatever quirks and idiosyncrasies
develop and arguing about parsing puzzles on the release 2 team?

Anyone interested in working on a 'tiny Cobol' for public release?

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