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Re: gnubol: distinguishing data refs and conditional refs

>>>>> "Bob" == RKRayhawk  <RKRayhawk@aol.com>
>>>>> wrote the following on Tue, 2 Nov 1999 17:46:41 EST


  Bob> To which I will add the small notion ...  Now back track and
  Bob> simplify to just a relational operator like equal and drop a
  Bob> NOT in there somewhere. and say what is implied. As in

  Bob>     IF a = b AND NOT g or IF a NOT = b AND g

  Bob> and explain implied grouping, and state which standard
  Bob> agrees. Now say, Ick.

Actually, Bob, the standard was pretty clear on these cases, telling
us that a NOT immediately preceding a relational operator is a part
of that relational operator and is otherwise a logical op.  Hence,
your examples would be expanded thusly:

     IF a = b AND NOT g   =>   IF a = b AND NOT a = g

     IF a NOT = b AND g   =>   IF a NOT = b AND a NOT = g

I'm still working on the rest of your message :)

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