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Re: gnubol: A question

>>> Michael McKernan <mck@tivoli.mv.com> 11/01/99 07:44PM >>>
My question is really about abbreviated conditionals, apart from this
classic gotcha.  What effect do parenthesized expressions have on
abbreviation?  If I encounter the following

  IF a = b OR ( c < d AND e < f ) OR g

and "g" is indeed a simple variable, should I interpret this to mean

After 20 years of writing COBOL I can never remember how this is supposed to work so I never do it.  I realize it doesn't help and having said that here is my interpretation.

This would only be a valid statement if g is a condition name. If it were rewritten as IF A = B OR G OR ( C < D AND E < F), then G could be either.

Isn't there a way to submit these questions to CODASYL or whoever to explain how it works?

I will, later today, write this in a program (on HP 3000 MPE/iX platform) and report the results.

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