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Re: [GNU-COBOL] PIC -> edit masks -> a standardlargenumericrepresentation

C to English/Cobol ...

Tim Josling wrote :>
>struct data_desc_struct {
++ define a record
>   enum data_type; /* numeric, edited, alphabetic, alphanumeric */  
++ enumerated type...limited to the 4 vaules in the comment.
>   union details {
++ union... baiscally generic storage designed to hold one of a 
++ set of possible different/incompatible data types. in this case
++ 3 different structures. 
> /*1*/  struct alpha_details {
++ define a record with one element an integer
>           int length;
>        } alph;
> /*2*/     struct numeric_details {
++ define a record with 4 eleccements. 2 integers. two enums(see above)
>             enum usage; /* binary, packed, float, double, bytes, basic
>                                  binary */
>              int length; /* for packed and byte decimal, means digits
>                                ,else # bytes */
>              enum sign_loc; /* none, leading, trailing, leading
>                      overpunch, trailing overpunch field not always used */
>              int decimal_point_posn; /* 0 = implicit after last digit 1
>                       means one digit earlier etc *field not always used */	
>         } num;
> /*3*/       struct editing_details {
++ define a record with one eleement a pointer to a characeter. 
>             char * edit_string;
>         } ed;
>  } det;

tim, that made my head hurt.  =)

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at advancenet.net

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