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Re: [GNU-COBOL] GNU-COBOL design concepts: zPROCs and TLP

I think Randall is right. A 10,000 line program will compile in
around one second. For large projects make -k will run multiple
compiles in parallel, and the compiler driver (gcc) will drive
some parellelism in the preprocessor, compiler, assembler and
linker. That should suffice for multiCPUs.

One of our principles was extreme programming and their maxim 'do
the simplest thing that can possibly work' is a key way we will
deliver something in a finite amount of time. Tune later. I have
written multithreaded programs - does the phrase 'all night
debugging session' convey the degree of difficulty sufficiently?

I need to think about the concepts of having multiple passes and
specialised sub-compilers, but this may be a good idea. In this
context, some examples of things that parser generator tools
choke on would be terrific. 

Tim Josling

Randall Bart wrote:
> Owaitaminute, you really are trying to multi-task the compiler itself.  I
> advise against.

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