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Ken Brakey wrote:

> Boris Kortiak wrote:
> > PIC is not a language, its just a clause element to tell the compiler what to do with the following character string.  For instance a record (table row? column headings?) would be described like this: (Note this is easier to read in fixed pitch font)
> >
> > 01  ADDRESS-BOOK.                                     ->   Structure-name
> >     03  ADDRESS-KEY-0.                                -> sub-structure-name
> >         05  LAST-NAME          PIC  X(30).        -> data-name type and storage requirements
> >         05  FIRST-NAME         PIC  X(20).
> >         05  MIDDLE-NAME          PIC X(20).
> >     03  TELEPHONE-NUMBER.                       -> sub-structure-name
> >         05  COUNTRY-CODE      PIC  9(03).
> >         05  AREA-CODE              PIC  9(04).
> >         05  EXCHANGE               PIC 9(04).
> >         05  NUMBER                   PIC 9(05).
> >     03  MONEY-OWED           PIC S9(05)V9(02).
> >
> > This describes a storage are with the following:
> > ADDRESS-BOOK is a string of 86 characters.    ->address location of struc
> > ADDRESS-KEY-0 is a string of 70 characters.    ->address location of sub-struc
> > LAST-NAME is a string of 30 characters.            ->JUST 30 locations
> > FIRST-NAME is a string of 20 characters
> > MIDDLE-NAME is a string of 20 characters.
> TELEPHONE-NUMBER                                       ->address location of sub-struc
> >
> > TELEPHONE-NUMBER is a string of 16 characters.
> > COUNTRY-CODE is an integer of 3 digits.
> > AREA-CODE is an integer of 4 digits
> > EXCHANGE is an integer of 4 digits
> > NUMBER is an integer string of 5 digits
> > MONEY-OWED is a signed integer string of 7 digits with the last two digits to be aligned to the right of any decimal point (for comparisons, moves, &c).
> to move into a structure you have to qualify e.g.
> MOVE read-data TO LAST-NAME OF (IN) ADDRESS-BOOK  ---- or
> OF or IN is used interchangeably in this instance.

Sorry, qualifying is only needed if a data name is defined more than once.



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