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[GNU-COBOL] List is back!

	Ok, after a couple-week hiatus, the GNU-COBOL mailing list is back
up.  I apologize for the downtime, but my machine which runs the mailing list
bit the dust, and being able to afford new equipment was a bit of a trick.
However, it's back now, and should be completely functional.  Don't forget,
the new address for the mailing list is gnu-cobol@lusars.net, and the 
administrative address is majordomo@lusars.net.  The archive may be found at

Justin Ferguson - Tech. Analyst/Geek of All Trades   jferg@lusars.net
http://www.lusars.net/~jferg/                            jferg@geeks.com
A hollow voice says "Plugh".                                   jferg@acm.org 

This message was sent through the gnu-cobol mailing list.  To remove yourself
from this mailing list, send a message to majordomo@lusars.net with the
words "unsubscribe gnu-cobol" in the message body.  For more information on
the GNU COBOL project, send mail to gnu-cobol-owner@lusars.net.