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[GNU-COBOL] subscribe gnu-cobol

subscribe gnu-cobol

I'm hoping this will get me on the list.
R B |\  Randall Bart
a a |/  mailto:Barticus@usa.net   mailto:Barticus@att.net   I Love You
n r |\  1-614-308-9307         3645 Dragonfly Drive, Columbus OH 43204
d t ||\ Have you solved http://users.aol.com/PanicYr00/Sequence.html ?
a    |/ MS^7=6/28/107             Let's sing about the Year 2000 Bugs:
l    |\             http://users.aol.com/PanicYr00/SongMiscellany.html
l    |/ Has anyone in Washington DC read the US Constitution?

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