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[GNU-COBOL] Re: GNU Cobol Status Request

When last we left our heros, they were speaking of:
> I was honestly surprised to stumble on the GNU Cobol link,
> www.umr.edu/~tweedy/cobol.  I have you listed in our files as
> contacting us two years ago saying you were interested in such a
> project, but there is otherwise no record of the project.  And, to add
> to my befuddlement, I find that the above link is no longer active.

> I also notice there is (or, at least, was recently) a gnu-cobol
> mailing list.  I am cc'ing a copy of this request to this list owner
> in case you are no longer personally active.

> It is quite possible that all this information was given to us
> previously and we slipped up in not properly recording it - and if
> that is the case you have my apologies.  Whatever the past, I would
> really appreciate it if you could drop me a line and let me know what
> the status is of this project.  We do get other volunteers interested
> in developing a Cobol compiler, and coordination of efforts seems like
> a real good idea.  Thanks.

	Jim - Hi, I'm writing back in lieu of Laura, as she's in the process 
of moving and will be away from e-mail for a few days.  The project is still
active, albeit in a somewhat stalled state for a few weeks while the project
leads go through the fun of graduating from college and moving to full-time 
jobs.  The project has been given official space on gnu.org, and the most 
recent version of the web page can be found at 
http://www.gnu.org/software/cobol ...   The mailing list is also still active
at gnu-cobol@acm.cs.umr.edu .  Laura has been handling most of the relations 
with people at GNU, so I'm sure she can fill you in further when she gets her
e-mail access back (sometime toward the beginning of June, if not sooner.)  
Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.

						JF - GNU Cobol Webmaster

Justin Ferguson - CS     "Television is a medium.  They call it that because 
jferg@usgs.gov            it's neither rare nor well-done." - Ernie Kovacs
jferg@umr.edu                       http://acm.cs.umr.edu/~jferg/

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