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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Lines of code

David Essex wrote :>

>There is a free alternative to Bison, called BtYacc (Berkeley BackTracking
>Yacc) available at (1). It is currently used in a commercial product to
>parse COBOL. 

What commercial product is that?

>if there are others willing to evaluate BtYacc and comment on suitability,
>your input will be appreciated.

Anyone, who wishes to help evaluate parser generators is more then welcome to.
THe test cases are the data division and the four main math functions.
If ppl wish to write up the grammar for these two small test cases in 
your favorite parser generator, please do.

Email the list a URL where the code can be found. do NOT mail the 
code to the list, please.


Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at umr.edu
<PGP public key available upon request>

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