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[GNU-COBOL] COBOL Clarafications

Hi Chad,

Check out this URL: www.ncits.org/press/1997/pr97137.htm. There
are also clarifications #24-27 as well as #28.

I have had another go at getting my mail to send reasonable

Tim Josling


NCITS Announces the Availability of COBOL Information Bulletin

Washington D.C., October 1997 - NCITS Announces the Availability
of COBOL Information Bulletin #28 (CIB-28) 

COBOL Information Bulletin #28 is issued in response to questions
that have been raised regarding certain specifications contained
in the content of: 

ANSI X3.23-1985, Programming Language - COBOL, along with ANSI
X3.23a-1989, Programming Language - Intrinsic Function Module for
X3.23b-1993, Programming Language - Correction Amendment for

These interpretations were prepared by Technical Committee J4,
which is responsible for the maintenance of that standard, and
were authorized for release by NCITS
(National Committee for Information Technology Standards) in
order to provide clarifications as quickly as possible in
response to questions raised. 

These interpretations, while reflecting the technical opinion of
the committee responsible for maintaining the standard, are
intended solely as supplementary information to
users of the standard. The standard is not altered by the
issuance of these interpretations. Any subsequent revision,
erratum, amendment, or interpretation to the standard
may or may not reflect the contents of these interpretations. 

Copies of CIB #28 can be purchased from Global Engineering
Documents, Inc., 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO 80112-5704,
1-800-854- 7179 or

NCITS Secretariat, 1250 Eye Street, NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC
Email: NCITS@itic.nw.dc.us 


Chad Slaughter wrote:
> Tim Josling wrote :>
> >I have ordered the cobol clarifications #24-28. These are issued
> >by the
> >ANSO committee in response to questions about the *many*
> >ambiguities
> >in the standard. I'll let you know if it has any surprises.
> Which publication of theirs is that?
> The only documentes about the 1985 std I know of are
> the main std X3.23, intrinsic functsion X3.23a and a correctsion X3.23b.
> and if there is another one, I would like to see it too. =)
> --
> Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at umr.edu
> <PGP public key available upon request>
> --
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> the GNU COBOL project, send mail to gnu-cobol-owner@acm.cs.umr.edu.

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