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	Ok, anon-CVS should be working, though not very heavily tested.  Set 
your CVSROOT as follows:

	export CVSROOT=":pserver:cvs@acm.cs.umr.edu:/gnu-cobol"

	and do a 

	cvs login		( password: cvs )
	cvs checkout cobol

	and enjoy!  Write access is currently set up for tweedy, slaught, 
jferg and mfischer, if anybody else needs it just let me know.  Laura and 
Matt, your passwd's are the same as on the acm machine.  Let me know if 
anybody has any problems.


Justin Ferguson - CS     "Television is a medium.  They call it that because 
jferg@usgs.gov            it's neither rare nor well-done." - Ernie Kovacs
jferg@umr.edu                       http://acm.cs.umr.edu/~jferg/

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