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[GNU-COBOL] Ramblings III: Ramble at the Illini

Hello all,

Its time once again for more rambligns.
Its Ramblings III: Ramble at the Illini
Ok thats a lame subject line I know. 

The reason for so many mails, is b/c I didnt think I had time to type in
everything before work, but I did. =)

Implementation LIst
Appendix C  XVII-87
1) System names
    must be defined individually.

computer-name : cobol word, maybe just a hostname(s/./-/)subnet

implementation name - refers to features we implement. define as we go.

language naem define a lang for ENTER.
 prefix(GNU- or COB2C-) 
-- its just for fun, back off.

2) unknown
3) user defined switch...default is unknown .
4) unknown

5) external switch stuff.
6)   "

7) Area B - finite # chars.
  213, 2^32, 2^64, 2^[word size]
 user defined?
 just use IBM 72.

8) see 1

10) -> basically we configure it adn still be compliant

11) native collate is ascii.
   future define ascii, edcidic, unicode, other?

12) see 1

13)  define standard-1 alphabet
14)     other default alphabets as neccessary will use those alphabets and 
         names defined in other Implementations fi no conflicts occur.
    We'' use maybe ebcidic for the standard-1 alphabet

28 - 31) accept stuff.  
   accept defaults to stdin.
  mnemoic -> most likey tty's or maybe just a file.
 data conversion and data transfer buffer will be possible defined by the
underlying host system(unix/posix/xOpen stds) or else we'll define them
if the stdio fucntions dont quite have the semantics. I dont see a problem
but there may be one.

34 - 37) display stuff
   display deafults to stdout.
  mnemoinic for stderr
data conversion and data transfer will be defined by the underlying system
(see accept for more info)

38) mmm...enter.

Hardware dependent language elements

how do we want to handle this stuff?
i say we jsut ignroe it and do the unix thing and treat is all like a file. =)
But we may just want to define the behavior and how the files work with 
these elemets.

Undefined elements

We'll need to document these in our system.
Basically, we'll do what ever makes the implementation easier. =)
if its undefined, thats means we get to fuck you over if you even get near it.
no, I am not vidictive!
Particularly I like (6)  
And I am going to enforce it will an explict you_fucked_up() function! =)

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at umr.edu
<PGP public key available upon request>

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