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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Web Pages

Justin C. Ferguson wrote :>
>along with GNU's web style sheets.  HOWEVER, I plan to do some work on the 
>contents in the next few days as well...SO, what I need is the following:

Cool. =)

>	* A TODO list/task list.

Ok the todo list is as follow's:
1) write a todo list.
2) write a cobol compiler
3) reconsider ording of todo list.

sorry, I thought it was fuckin funny. =) *laughs* well if it just amused me
thats enough. 

>  	* Any other content that you guys want up there.  It doesn't have to
>	  be in polished form, just a rough draft.  I'll polish it.  
definatly work putting up the list duties with each role.
do you have that list?
does laura?? i dont know if i do or not. =\
also maybe a links page for all the external resources we use.

>	Also, I'd like to know what runtime libraries are currently being 
>worked on, and by whom, as well as what runtime libraries need to be worked on
>so I can a.) put that information on the web page, and b.) decide which library
>I should start on. 

doh! i guess thats my cue. =\

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at umr.edu
<PGP public key available upon request>

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