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[GNU-COBOL] Web page...

	Greetings, all.  I finally got off my butt this afternoon and got a 
somewhat skeletal web page done for the project...I haven't done any sub-pages
yet, (eventually I'd like to have some progress pages, as well as the sub-pages
for each of the project phases), I'll try to get to those later in the weekend.
Take a look over it, let me know what everybody thinks...the Objectives and 
Methods are gleaned from what Laura gave me for that, and if there are problems
with the content, take it up with her.  ;->  Wording problems, those are my 
fault.  :->  The titles are simply made up judging from what each person is 
working on right now, and were also approved by Laura, but if you don't like
your title, they can be changed.  Anyway, more to come, just let me know what 
you think of the first draft.  

Justin Ferguson - CS  "Good morning, how are you, I'm Doctor Worm...I'm 
jferg@usgs.gov        interested in things...I'm not a real Doctor but I
jferg@acm.org         am a real worm..."
jferg@umr.edu                             - They Might Be Giants, "Dr. Worm"

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